Recent News and Events

August 4, 2015
Two Group Health members talk about what it was like to be co-investigators on a study from the national Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute.

August 1, 2015
With funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, CCHE led a three-year evaluation of health impact assessments (HIAs) in the United States.

May 28, 2015
Explore healthy living in Washington’s two most populous counties with Neighborhood Health Link, an online resource sponsored by Group Health

May 29, 2014
Most parents choose to protect their children from diseases such as measles, meningitis, polio, and whooping cough through vaccinations. But a rising number opt not to vaccinate their children fully according to the recommended schedule, and many parents have concerns about the safety or necessity of vaccines.

April 9, 2014
Our investigators reveal answers to the impacts of HIAs and community-level obesity prevention initiatives.

March 27, 2014
Last year, researchers from CCHE, a unit within Group Health Research Institute (GHRI) since 2007, traveled to more than 75 U.S. communities.

June 28, 2011
GHRI’s Center for Community Health and Evaluation welcomes its new director, Allen Cheadle, PhD.